
Sunday, October 16, 2011

October 16, 2011

Truth is, you're worth it all.

- God

I am going to steal a page out of my roommates book right now and talk a little bit about eternity. You see, sometimes, in the scheme of things, we forget to look at the real "Big Picture". We spend time worry about trivial things: I can't be late to church, they didn't sing my favorite song in worship today, the lady who is SUPPOSED to clean the church this week didn't show up and now I have to rush to get the church in order before service today, I would bring my friend to church... but Sunday is their only day off and I don't want to put another burden on them. These kinds of things, and many more, seem so important in the light of the very moment when we are dealing with them, however I think we need to ask ourselves a question. What do these things mean in the light of eternity?

IF we desire to continue to call ourselves Christians, I think its about time we started to act like it and weigh things out on a different scale. The truth is that the lady who is supposed to clean the church might not have shown up to church today because she is battling severe depression and just couldn't handle the thought of living one more day the same old way. Therefore, when she finally does show up and gets shot a "Where were you?" look by you from across the room, it does nothing but dig her hole a little deeper. In the end, what did you miss out on by cleaning the church for her anyway? Lunch at Wendy's with your buddies?

Ok, so maybe my examples are a bit radical, but the truth is that it will take a radical generation... a radical race even... to change the world and to make an impact that is eternal. Why don't we begin to befriend the ones who have treated us unjustly? If they don't want to be befriended, pray for them. Why aren't we lifting up the Christians who are hurting? Why aren't we training up leaders to counsel instead of people to point their fingers?

In the end, the only thing that will matter for the people who have known you is whether or not the things you did pointed them to Jesus. Lets not get legalistic about this and think every little tiny decision through until we give ourselves stomach ulcers. However, lets instead make time for Jesus in our morning routine. Take 5 minutes and invite Him into our day. Invite Him into our decision making, so that we don't have to worry so much, but only listen to His leading.

When the cleaning lady stands before God one day, all that will matter to her is whether or not Christ was presented to her. Will you be the one to take a stand, sacrifice yourself and maybe even a little pride? I'm gonna be bold right now and call you all out. If you claim to be Christian, stand up and walk for Jesus, or go home. Its a rough thing to say, but truth is that you already KNOW the truth. God thinks you are SO worth it. Will you let Him live in your life? Will you trust Him with YOUR circumstances so that He in turn can trust you with others?

Go big or go home.

Thanks for reading,
