
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

March 10, 2010

Have you ever learned how to spell a word and used a weird way to remember it? For example, Wed Nes Day. That's how I remember (even to this day regrettably) how to spell this day of the week.

Wednesday is always a good day for me, so it seems. At least I can know it will always end well. Surprisingly enough today was a good day at work. I think it was the first good day I have had in a long time, possible even the first tear free day.

I seem to be on the up-track, which excites me. Only when you feel like you have fallen to the very bottom can you look around and realize that the only step you can take next is up. My finances are being forced back into shape after a meltdown of catastrophic proportions, my car is working again (YEAAAHHHH!!) and my job is ok today. What more could I ask for right?

Wrong. I realized tonight, as I sat in youth service looking at the back of the eight precious heads that I brought with me, that life is about so much more than we ever really grasp at any given time. Life is about people, and how you treat them. Life is about integrity and how you use it. Life is about God and how you share Him. Life is beautiful, if you will just let it be.

Sometimes I get so wrapped up in everything that is going on around me, that I miss the things that really matter as the buzz quickly past me day by day, week by week, year by year. I want to encourage you to slow down and figure out what kind of person you really want to be remembered as.

I have a tattoo on each of my wrists. On the right it says "Hope" and on the left "Shprese" (which is hope in Albanian). Last year I had been aching to get another tattoo, but I couldn't figure out what I wanted and where I would put it. One day as I was going through the motions of life, I asked myself the very question, "Julie, what kind of person do you want to be every day?" My answer? I want my hands to bring hope every time they reach out... thus the idea for the tats.

I don't know how you feel about tattoos and frankly I don't care, but I do want you to hear the message behind all of this. Find out what matters to you. Find out what fulfills you, and you will find your calling. Chase it every day in every way. Don't push people aside to get where you're going, but instead take your time and enjoy the view. Meet people, fellowship with people, LEARN people. You won't be sorry you did.

Well, I guess that's really all I have for tonight, but please know that it came from a very special place in my heart. I love each and every one of you, and I want to see something great happen in your life.

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