~Patrick Overton
As I sit here writing this, I have come to the full and real realization that I have 10 days of work left, and only 27 days till I leave on a journey that may very well change my entire life. You see, I have decided to take a trip of unknown length to Albania. My ticket says that I come back the end of June, but the goal is to stay longer. I have put in my notice at a job that I love and I worked very hard to get, and I admittedly feel like everything I am doing is just a little bit crazy. I am sure there are quite a few people out there who have looked at my decisions, and quietly agree with me. So, today I want to tell you why I do what I do.
This blog is not about convincing you that I am doing the right thing. I have no desire to have anyone's approval. I know that God gave me a plan and if you know me, you KNOW that if it is a plan it HAS to be God. =) I, myself, am quite spontaneous and hate planning to an extent. However, God gave me a plan so perfect that every little detail has worked out to the exact date He gave me in the beginning. Who am I to question that?
So why do I do what I do? Why do I spend more than I bring in on a non profit organization directed at a nation so random as Albania?
Reason #1:
I know I am called.
As arrogant as it may sound to you, it is a resounding truth in my life. I have chased a lot of different career paths trying to be successful. I have studied things from pharmaceutics to law hoping to be able to buy that BMW AND have a little non profit on the side that I can afford to support myself. Every single time, my endeavors have failed or just not worked, and I end up right back in the same place: staring eternity in the eye and asking myself why I haven't accomplished anything yet.
I always wanted to be a young success. Someone who changed the world at a ridiculously young age. I look at myself now and see that opportunity slipping away, except when I look at the work I have done in Albania. I went there the first time when I was just barely 17 years old and this year's trip will be my 9th year and I think it is my 8th trip, but I am honestly beginning to lose count. I have seen (literally) demons cast out, churches built, families livelihood restored, and so many more amazing things. I turn the glory around for all this and give it straight back to God.
Reason #2:
The Mother Teresa Orphanage
There are so many lovely children at the orphanage I work at in Elbasan, Albania, but I want to update you on one I have told you about before. Little Lucia.

She is currently spending a year in Italy to have several procedures done to make her more able to live life as a normal little girl. I am honored to say that through one of my best friends in Albania, and through the generosity of my brother's church, I had a hand in this little beauty's miracle. I will post updated pics when she returns to Albania. I am so excited to see what God has done for her.
Reason #3:
The Toska Family
I have known Irfan, Vera and Fabjola Toska for only a short time, but they have been doing an awesome, selfless work in their nation for about 20 years. I have seen them time and time again go with out food and other things just to make sure that the people and children especially of their church have everything they need. What a great God example. Why would I not want to associate with people like this? I am telling you, every American should do it at least once. It will change the way you look at life forever. That kind of life lesson is one you can ONLY learn by personal experience. Do not rob yourself of that in this lifetime.
I have many other reasons, but do I need to list them all? I don't think I need to defend my decisions. I know they are of God and I know where I am going. even if it is a step of faith into a place where I can't really see the end of the journey, I will go. It is truly walking by faith.
I go to honor the missionaries who have gone before me. I go because there is NOTHING I would rather do. I go because God has asked me to. I go.
Dedicated to Beverly Shook and Wil Ramsey. To the ones who went before me.
You are a gift; that is all I can say, my friend. Changing the world through/for the children and their families will bring YOU fulfillment and happiness, but God only knows what to those you are helping!!! Be great, Julie, and keep yourself safe, kiddo!! *smooches*
ReplyDelete<3 Audri
Audri, you are so sweet my friend! I miss you tons!