
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

September 28, 2011

I found this in an old Myspace blog I was reading over today, and I quite enjoyed reading it again. I thought you might enjoy it too. From June of 2006:

    I heard a very strange statement this morning. It is a statement that many of us have heard over and over again. It is a kind of saying in these current times; one of the little things we say, that when analyzed, does not make much sense at all.
    The saying is "I have lost faith in...(you fill in the blank)."
    LOST YOUR FAITH? So, then, how do you get faith in the first place? Do you FIND it? Did you happen to stumble upon faith one day while walking in the grocery store? Is it just a random substance, appearing out of no where at the will of something higher than us? If you cannot simply "find" faith,  how then do you "lose" faith?
    My personal belief is that faith is a choice. Faith is when you CHOOSE to believe in something that you may not have any sort of physical or logical reason to believe in.
    For example: I am a Christian. I CHOOSE to believe in the life, death, burial, Resurrection, and current position of Jesus Christ. Now, you can try to talk me out of it all day long, and circumstances may not always be favorable towards my belief, but that is where faith comes in. I CHOOSE to continue in my faith. It is not some physical object that can be conveniently misplaced or "lost".
    I don't mean to get on a soap box about this, but I now see why the term 'Think BEFORE you speak' is relevant. If we thought about what we said more often, would we even say it? I wonder how often we say things that make no sense at all. I am sure it is many more times in a day than we will ever realize.
    All this to say, you cannot lose your faith. You did not lose your faith in the oil industry. You have CHOSEN to no longer believe in its integrity. You have not lost your faith in man kind, you have CHOSEN to belief that man is basically evil, instead of good.
    You simply cannot "lose" your faith. You are not a puppet at the beck and call of the puppet master. You are a human being, making choices daily to form who you are and where you will go in this life.
    We cannot waltz through life and expect everything to go our way. Everything we do and everything we are and everything we belive is what it is because we have made it that way through our choices. You are who you are because that's who you choose to be. You believe what you believe because that's what you choose to believe.
    I hope this encourages us all to think before we say/do things, realizing that life is only about our choices. Choose faith, don't lose it.

    I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did. Stay tuned for an exciting blog tomorrow!!!

    Thanks for reading,


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