
Monday, February 7, 2011

February 7, 2011

It may seem old school to some, but I still believe that prayer and fasting could prepare a voice that could turn a nation. ~(copied from a friends FB today)

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if we were to really discover and live out our true callings? Would we change the world, cure cancer, create Jetson style flying cars? Could the world really be a different place? Or maybe that question is too big. Let's start with this:

Could my life really make a difference?

Today I want to tell you a well known Bible story in a different way.

We all know how it went down. First God came to Noah and told him He was going to wipe out the earth with a flood and that Noah should build a giant boat so that he could save his family. And all the animals. And basically the entire human race. No pressure right?

I like what the Bible says about Noah in Genesis 7:5:

"5 Noah did everything God commanded him."

That in itself took a courageous man. Think about it. It is recorded that in the time of Noah, the earth had never even seen rain before. The earth was watered and maintained by dew. How could he even know what rain was? He didn't, and he had to trust God. That takes more courage than we are willing to admit.

Imagine God showing up in your bedroom while you are busy doing your P90x before work and He says to you, "(Insert your name here), you MUST build a spaceship because I am going to destroy the earth. Oh, and make sure it is made of wood and is big enough to fit the entire residency of the Fort Worth zoo. Also, you will need to make sure it can fly, cause if it doesn't you will die, and so will all of mankind. So... ya... you better get going now."

No pressure right?

Often times thats what life feels like to the every day modern person, young or old. We see ourselves as nothing more than average and we expect that the callings that God has put on us will never come to pass. So, we put them to the side and call them "dreams", because dreams seem a little less real and, lets face it, we expect less of ourselves when we label things in this way.

So lets put ourselves in Noah's shoes. God has undoubtedly given you a vision for your life. Have you put His plan into action? No? Why not? Do we not expect consequences to go along with our non-actions just as much as our actions?

You may think that Noah is just a guy from a Bible story that we teach children, but Noah is a man who (because he lived blameless before God) saved the ENTIRE WORLD. Now how important does it seem for one man to live his calling? How important is a person's calling? Lets think about it. What would the world be like if Christopher Columbus never discovered America? What would the world be like if Alexander Graham Bell never created the telephone. What would the world be like if your parents never met each other? Lets take it back a little... What would the world be like if Mary hadn't followed God's call on her life? What would we be doing right now if Jesus Christ had decided it would just be too hard to die on the cross. What if He let disbelief enter His mind for JUST ONE SECOND. What if He let Himself become unsure in what God was telling Him to do? Just think about that. Now think about you. What is your calling. What is the importance of YOU? The same.