
Thursday, February 25, 2010

February 25, 2010

This week has been a roller coaster. First of all work is absolutely absurd, as I am working overnight trying to get a lot of things done. Never before in my life have I felt like I might fall asleep even as I am walking around. It has been quite the experience, but at least I am getting valuable work done... I hope.

My childhood best friend flew in from an Iraqi deployment, and was supposed to be here till Sunday. I was banking on working overtime overnight, and then having a three day weekend to spend with her. It turns out (due to some family issues) that she is now leaving tomorrow, and I will have a lonely three day weekend. This makes me want to cry. I love this girl and she did everything to serve our country and make a life for herself. Now, who knows when I will get to see her again. This is when life really bites.

The thing I love the most about life is friends and relationships I have built. The only thing I value and cherish on a higher level than that is my walk with the Lord. Its funny how one of the best things in life (friends) can also be the thing that hurts the most. I guess I will just have to keep my head up and hope that she will be able to make amends with her family and will want to come visit again sometime in the next few years. Either way, I must say: I love you Irna, you have always been my bestie (ever since we would mow lawns and cuss each other out over it lol) and now all I want is to see you happy. So do what makes you happy. Thank you for serving our country, thank you for being a role model to me in life, and above all else, thanks for singing Shout To The Lord with me in Sack and Save. ;)

1 comment:

  1. the end of this post makes me smile about singing in the Sack&Save... to cool... i know that is something i don't think that i could now but back in the day i know that is so something me and BF would do... I am sorry that you working you hinny off just have a blow like that happen, oh well, i am sure that in the end even with the pain that something good will come of it none the less if you look closely you may find some joy out of it after all. Work will get better i am sure, i know when things for me are getting hard or out of control I have to say a prayer before I walk into that bulding and know that God will make it a great day and use me to bring a blessing on someone or someone bring a blessing to me.... Love you my friend.... HUGS....
