
Saturday, July 23, 2011

July 23, 2011

The robbed that smiles, steals something from the thief. ~William Shakespeare, Othello

I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much. ~Mother Teresa

As I write this my spirit is very heavy with burden. If you have somehow missed the news of the past 12 hours or so, then here is a link: Click me

As someone who has experience huge emotional tragedy, such as this, I can't help but sit here and wonder what I can do to help. I know when tragedy struck my community, it was the first responders, the emotional and spiritual supporters there in those first few vital days that made all the difference. It was the one person who would look at you and smile that knowing smile, or the one who would simply hold and console.

I can't help but look at articles about this attack over and over again, re-reading, trying to take it all in. To me, it is unfathomable that over 80 people were killed on that island. This tragedy is on 10 times the scale of anything I have even seen (as far as shootings go).

It is so sad that we as a people have gotten to a place where this is almost normal. "Oh, another shooting..." we say. Then we walk away and continue our day. But what can we do to genuinely help?

I say, if you cannot go and be a shoulder to cry on, then pray. Pray with everything you have in you. Pray in the Spirit. Fall on your knees and intercede for these people. Even though their tragedy is over, its effects will linger severely for a very long time. Pray for the strength of those who lost family and friends to senseless violence. Pray for those who have been through this kind of thing before, as it will rip their old wound open again. I know we will move on from this moment and life will eventually return to a form of normalcy for those involved. However, we mustn't forget to lift one another up, and to ask God to show us His hand in the midst of this storm. Pray.


Thanks for reading,



  1. Julie,
    You know I don't watch tv, etc. and am always "missing out" on the news. Even @ this late date, I hadn't heard about these tragedies.
    I dumped my facebook account a few weeks ago, and hadn't really missed it - except for a few out-of-towners that I don't otherwise have contact with. Fortunately, I remembered your blog and stopped by to check on you.
    I hate that we live in a world where these kinds of things happen! But I am equally grateful that God has blessed us with people like you, who will follow His lead and take The Light of the World into these dark places and pain-filled lives!
    I was concerned about you when I read this post b/c your pain is evident in your writing. But I went on to read earlier posts (specifically July 9th 1 & 2) and I know that your joy will return! As you're faithful to follow, He will continue to bring you up-lifting experiences.
    I will pray - for these and for you! And I'll stop-by more often. And who knows I may even re-join the fb crowd, so that I can keep tabs on people like you and Lauren C. and the children in your lives that bring such joy to mine!
    I miss you and think of you often ~Doris

  2. Hey Doris! It is so good to hear from you. I miss you and your beautiful Cloe so much! I just wanted to send you a link to an earlier blog that I wrote that may explain things a little better for you regarding this particular post.

    It is my blog from July 10 2010. Read it. You will understand this blog, and me, in a new way. =)

  3. Thanks for sharing...
    It's an amazing story and I am always in awe of how God can create goodness and direct our paths from tragedy. He is truly THE Redeemer! For what our enemy meant for evil, He will use for good. Thank you for being faithful ~Doris
